AaaaaH! holidays are finally here!
Tralalala i'm so RELIEVED... yah right
no need to see the teachers anymore
even though we just spent one teacher's day kissing up to the teachers,
we all Know we don't like them...
duh... don't kid yourself
o.k on a second thot( if i'm allowed a second thot) only those guai kia will
but even they can't like the teachers after what they did to us!
Holiday leh... still must give homework!
plus, it's not even like we have a long holiday lorh
it's only one week!
our exams are like so near yet they don't give us time for revision.
Does this make it any difference between School days and holi Days?
So why must they give us so much h/w?
the original ideas for holidays is to give us time to refresh ourselves
how can we do that if we have homework to do???
hehe i've calmed down...
and i'm much more rational whan i calm down
i hope.
well, i'm not always like that
just sometimes i get caught in my debators mood
or in my mood to reason
note: not argue or quarrel: REASON
Hear me?