Thursday, September 24, 2009

prelims over. finally...
the torture doesn't end here though, the thought of having to face another month or tw0 of INTENSE studying before it all accumulates on the THIRD of DECEMBER is enough to make me depressed:(

shucks. i just want to take a break.
a break that goes on and on and on, and never ever stop....

perhaps i'm in such a pensive mood cos i'm mourning the death of my mp3 player. so here's a eulogy to 'it':
'you' may not have been the best MP3 in the market, or the most attractive. neither were you the most capable or efficient one (BTW, it's creative so don't buy it!). we had our ups and downs, like when you died on me, only to be revived a few times, and promptly died soundly again. and the crack that you sprung in your face, may be evidence of either my very bad handling skills, or creative's lousy manufacturing, thats your perspective
but all said, you've served me well for 2 years.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

haha(: blogger looks fugly-.-
it looks like it belongs to windows NINETY-FIVE
eunice is feeling wistful today
collect all my memories and stow them away
wish i had taken lit. where concise is NOT IMPORTANT

oh well.
sit under the canopy of the garden
sip my lemonade
stare at the world go by
and laugh to myself
cos everything's alright.....

haha. oh boy, that actually sounds good!

Monday, September 07, 2009

me and licia/ and half of stupid caleb

I suppose i've been a tad too busy.
I really miss my FB girlfriends.
moses, monkey, woof,eviltwin, korean superstar, buddyrabbit, i really really love you guys!
shucks, eunice turns mushy!

Thursday, September 03, 2009

I am drowning in this ocean
someone give me a magic potion
erase erase erase
all my troubles please fly away.
math chem bio econ
out the door turn off the aircon
environmentally concious mah.

i rhyme when i'm stressed
and my stress level is like a UFO now.
unidentified. too high to record.

who says poems have to rhyme?
this is a poem and it doesn't have to
who says this is a poem in the first place?
I do, and since i'm writing it, get out of my way(:

sorry, that wasn't meant to be rude
it just happen to fit the book:/

today's econs was a hand-sacrificing occasion
my hand has sadly passed away
please tell me where to find a new one/
i'll be glad to pay!
yesterday's GP was like greek
or spanish or latin or even alien
bottom line is, it was as though it was written in code
that my brain hadn't yet developed a translation software for:/

bio was like frying my brains and my hands.
and diffusion of info out of my brain was faster than active transport in!

i sholdn't be blogging
but i am english is out of the window.
basically, for econs and bio, i said goodbye to my grammer.
cos good grammer takes too long to write/
anyway, not as though the teachers of econs and bio have good grammer themselves either;D
i hope..

eunice is muddleheaded. hows she gonna do math?
i think i'm dead for my piano exam.
had this really annoying ttum examiner
who kept pestering me to answer my question!
never give me time to think
so scared..scared stiff
went home and cried cos i DON"T WANT TO FAIL!
really really don't like failures.
i'm allergic to failures...
then i was reminded 'my grace is sufficient for you'

and i decided to leave my worries and my cares in God's hands cos i know theres no place safer than that.

pooooooooooooooof! eunice disappears back into her cave(: