Wednesday, September 13, 2006

HELLO... why must al posts start with a greeting? it's almost as though we are writing a LETTER for goodness sake...a nd I'm not... hm.. just a random thought
so... should I start with a good bye??
yeah... good bye to my social life
I kinda lost it... or perhaps it was stolen by the EYEs
anyone seen it? ya... tell me
you know which teachers I HATE the most?
well, they teach a particularly BORING subject.... which involves trigonometry, sets, exponential and logarithmic functions........
hope you get my drift
I'm not exactly spelling it out.
these people think that every single subject in the world is like theirs
you know, as long as you practice, you can do it
AND there's a possibility of scoring a freaking hundred marks
there's no need to memorise stuff
HEL-LO... excuse me, but that isn't gonna work with laguages and humans
why must you think that your subject is so freaking important
and eat up the rest of the so-called free- periods
that were there for us to STUDY??
it's like double period al most every week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
okays... haha... at least school time is survivable with leng leng:)... lynette, kok, qi xuan, alicia tay
kaiqi( i didn't forget you darling ego table partner) rachel tan, DIONNE, wei shan
and the rest of three ass:)
I don't think things were this fun last year
cause my class were full of kiasu nerds
who made life miserable for me by scoring so well....
that. was. bad.
but, let's not rake up the past
okay... ipromisenottopostuntilEYESareover
okay that's my oath.... I just hope I can keep it
not likely
but then again.
Oaths were meant for breaking.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

HE DIED!!!!!!!!!!

officially dead, certified sting-ed ray dead
poor steve Irwin
poor Rachel and all those buckets of tears shed
let us MOURN... the loss of ...
actually I can't really decide
was he really brave and significant
or was he an idiot.............
let's not speak badly abt the dead...
I shall say he deserved a tribute..................................
for being a lovable idiot....
maybe that didn't come out quite nice.
well, let's give a final farewell to one who dared to do whatno one else dared to.
and ... may he rest in peace.
in an aligator's mouth
:) I have the last laugh