haha...this is a BAD usage of parallelism. who cares about the GP lecture anyway?!
yesyes, this is the year of the apple(:
NOT this APPLE...
But THIS apple!
actually, it's all thanks to that video clip porky showed us during PW last year(: the one where steve jobs was doing his presentation of the new and updated apple products! haha. then i was like, cool... nice and sleek stuff!
heh. for a long-time creative fan...thats a huge change!
actually, honestly, i only proclaimed that i prefer creative cos it's a local brand.....................
haha(: ifeel as though iam jumping the iship(:
SH2 life is disgusting. i'm piled up to my head with work. from like 4 different teachers who expect me to put THEIRs as NUMBER1 in my priority list.
and somehow...i seem to recall all of them saying this exact same phrase:"
or something along the line of trying to distinguish their subjects from the rest of the other subjects...
uh huh.i'm a tad confused as to which to study first...or even start studying(:
oh yeah...CHINESE NEW YEAR. this brilliant year of my evil twin...
has seen my two 'beloved' cousins turning ego and narcissistic. or maybe they always were! haha(:
oh. and i finally mastered MAHJONG!!! okay, not quite, but at least i don't lose too badly and the only reason i lose is because somebody is holding my cards-.- and i learnt it all from observing my cousins play.
rather amusingly, my dad claims to be the best mahjong player(: among those in my family who play lah. ibelieve that the only reason he is the socalled best played is cos he's the only one who constantly moves his mouth during the entire game. AND then when everybody is distracted he'll GAME-.-
i'm counting down the days! 14 more days to go! i'll be 18 soon! rather scary, exciting, all the cliche adjectives that you can think of, and rather relieved. relieved because i've managed to live to this age, relieved because i've managed to preserve my innocence to this age(i don't smoke, do drugs), relieved because at this age i'm still holding on to the creator in the days of my youth.
anyway, being 18 is like a huge relief for me. you know, 18 is kinda like the in-between age? between 16 and 21? i'm not sure if i've said this before, but at age 16, you get more freedom. at age 18, you get a little more freedom, but a whole lot more responsibility. at age 21 you get a whole lot more freedom and full responsibility.
so, 18 is like neither here nor there. but i shall enjoy my 18th year of birth!
18 sounds so old. i remember being young and thinking that 12 was like really old. then i reached my 12th birthday and suddenly 12 didn't seem very old to me. 16 seemed old and matured. then i turned 16 and suddenly 16 wasn't that old and matured, 18 was! and now i'm turning 18. am i old and matured? perhaps. but being old-er and more matured is relative. to a 12 year old kid, duh, i'm matured and OLD. but to a 30 year old?
"kid, you've got much to learn and grow up to"
i just hope that as i grow older, i'll grow wiser as well.
to grow in wisdom and stature. being 18 is no joke. like my dad says, it's not so much freedom that you should yearn for, but independance.
theres a stark difference! freedom is the ability to go ahead and do whatever you like, whenever. but independance is the ability to know what is best for yourself and doing it. it's knowing how to use your freedom with responsibility.
when i was small, i used to tell my dad that i didn't have enough freedom.
now, i want to be independant. i want my parents to be able to trust me to do what i should be doing when i should be doing it. i want to know myself well enough to know that i will not abuse the trust that they have in me. i want to be independant to make the right decisions for myself, the decisions that will make my parents smile.
to be independant, i need God.
this is my wish for my 18th birthday(: