Friday, January 30, 2009

The year of the Apple(:

whee(:unwanted picture, GONE! small font size, GONE!
haha...this is a BAD usage of parallelism. who cares about the GP lecture anyway?!

yesyes, this is the year of the apple(:
NOT this APPLE...

But THIS apple!

actually, it's all thanks to that video clip porky showed us during PW last year(: the one where steve jobs was doing his presentation of the new and updated apple products! haha. then i was like, cool... nice and sleek stuff!

heh. for a long-time creative fan...thats a huge change!

actually, honestly, i only proclaimed that i prefer creative cos it's a local brand.....................

haha(: ifeel as though iam jumping the iship(:

SH2 life is disgusting. i'm piled up to my head with work. from like 4 different teachers who expect me to put THEIRs as NUMBER1 in my priority list.
and somehow...i seem to recall all of them saying this exact same phrase:" is not like the other subjects. you need to start revising your work now!"
or something along the line of trying to distinguish their subjects from the rest of the other subjects...
uh huh.i'm a tad confused as to which to study first...or even start studying(:

oh yeah...CHINESE NEW YEAR. this brilliant year of my evil twin...
has seen my two 'beloved' cousins turning ego and narcissistic. or maybe they always were! haha(:
oh. and i finally mastered MAHJONG!!! okay, not quite, but at least i don't lose too badly and the only reason i lose is because somebody is holding my cards-.- and i learnt it all from observing my cousins play.

rather amusingly, my dad claims to be the best mahjong player(: among those in my family who play lah. ibelieve that the only reason he is the socalled best played is cos he's the only one who constantly moves his mouth during the entire game. AND then when everybody is distracted he'll GAME-.-


i'm counting down the days! 14 more days to go! i'll be 18 soon! rather scary, exciting, all the cliche adjectives that you can think of, and rather relieved. relieved because i've managed to live to this age, relieved because i've managed to preserve my innocence to this age(i don't smoke, do drugs), relieved because at this age i'm still holding on to the creator in the days of my youth.

anyway, being 18 is like a huge relief for me. you know, 18 is kinda like the in-between age? between 16 and 21? i'm not sure if i've said this before, but at age 16, you get more freedom. at age 18, you get a little more freedom, but a whole lot more responsibility. at age 21 you get a whole lot more freedom and full responsibility.
so, 18 is like neither here nor there. but i shall enjoy my 18th year of birth!

18 sounds so old. i remember being young and thinking that 12 was like really old. then i reached my 12th birthday and suddenly 12 didn't seem very old to me. 16 seemed old and matured. then i turned 16 and suddenly 16 wasn't that old and matured, 18 was! and now i'm turning 18. am i old and matured? perhaps. but being old-er and more matured is relative. to a 12 year old kid, duh, i'm matured and OLD. but to a 30 year old?
"kid, you've got much to learn and grow up to"

i just hope that as i grow older, i'll grow wiser as well.
to grow in wisdom and stature. being 18 is no joke. like my dad says, it's not so much freedom that you should yearn for, but independance.

theres a stark difference! freedom is the ability to go ahead and do whatever you like, whenever. but independance is the ability to know what is best for yourself and doing it. it's knowing how to use your freedom with responsibility.

when i was small, i used to tell my dad that i didn't have enough freedom.
now, i want to be independant. i want my parents to be able to trust me to do what i should be doing when i should be doing it. i want to know myself well enough to know that i will not abuse the trust that they have in me. i want to be independant to make the right decisions for myself, the decisions that will make my parents smile.

to be independant, i need God.
this is my wish for my 18th birthday(:

Monday, January 26, 2009


changed the skin. but now i have a problem! theres this weird guy's face at the corner of every post. and DUH thats not me. and DUH i want to change it. but, i dunno how to!


so, any tips anybody?

yuck. i don't like the guys face. no offense meant whoever he is! it's just that... my blog, your face? no link(:

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I am a self-confessed tech-noob. hence i have no idea what will make my words look bigger and more spaced out(:
I really really hope this looks better...
but then again, it may not! hahaha(:

the first week of school has gone by so quickly! and i'm already so busy!
i'll prob have no problem keeping to the one post fortnightly promise.
there's simply no time! so many things and people demand my time and attention. sometimes i just feel so cornered...but that kind of feeling is quite nice. it's better than feeling restless, anyway(:

thank God that this year i have nice teachers! mostly...hahaha
we have a really really nice CT, whos almost on par with NANA(:their enthusiasm is simply infectious. my lessons are filled with serious copying and even more serious laughing.

i shall do a step-by-step guide for laughing:
#1: find something funny (for sonia it's the GL, for yj and me, it's HER(:
#2: take in a deep breath. but not too deep!
#3: expel the air in short, cut up breaths. like.. HA!!!HA!!!HA!!!
#4: double into uncontrollable laughter(:
#5: Repeat step 1 again. or, you could choose the very same item!

happy laughing!

sorry. eunice is high random and lame(:

but seriously, I have been STUDYING!

Thursday, January 01, 2009

thanksgiving, 2008

this is the first post of the first day of 2009!
countdown this year was quite low-key, but still, spending time with lovely funny people like debbiecharlotteclaudia really made me enjoy myself(:
not to mention the rest of the youths...when every body learnt how bad eunice's maths has become by playing 'catch the mouse ah'(: seriously, why can't we use CALCULATORS! so much more efficient:/

anyway, 2008 is over, and i'm really thankful for the way GOD has worked in my life. Therefore, it is imperative that i count my blessings and name them one by one!
1. For allowing my parents to give me my FIRST phone line:D
2. For letting me get into NJ for pae
3. For letting me STAY in NJ permanently even though 5 points was a risky kind of business.
4. For giving me my O level results, however badly i think i did, i know the results came from HIM, and thus, i should still praise him!
5. For giving me a WONDERFUL CLASS IN 08S17. it's amazing how in a school bursting with muggers, my class seems to be the ONE AND ONLY non-mugger class...not withstanding the fact that we may be at the bottom for half our subjects......but, seriously, there could never be another class that i want to be in!
6. For giving me a wonderful friend called yunjie(: who has helped calm my hyperactivity down somewhat...hahaha
7. For allowing me to go to ITALY with NJ choir this say that it was a fun and fufilling trip would be the understatement of the year
8. For allowing me to get into NJCHOIR in the first place, even after i kinda talked nonsense for my interview with ms lim! she asked me: "so, is NJchoir your first choice CCA". and the brilliant and brave eunice replied "NO.....but if i get in, i wouldn't consider other CCAs". Sonia about killed me for my answer, but...thank God it all worked out!
9. For giving me ALLICIA as my wonderful room partner! i don't think i would have enjoyed myself as much if we weren't! i think she kinda tamed my wild and active imagination toooo(:
10. For providing me with the best bunch of friends a girl could ever have in Fruit Basket. truly we have stuck together through thick and thin, even when some people were not exactly pleased with our 'exclusiveness'.... laughter and watermelons definitely have done their part in holding us together, but i'd like to think it was GOd who gave us the strength to carry on(:
11.Thank God for my not-so-great CT results, which kinda poked me a bit out of slacky state(:
12. Thank God for the china trip, where i truly experienced the joy of worshipping , in a country where certain restrictions may be in place. i'm not at liberty i think to discuss further about this cos of the situation, but God definitely touched my life there, big time!
13. Thank God for the opportunity to serve in the children camp where i learnt that HE is sufficient and he is all that i need.
14. Thank God for giving me a wonderful chem teacher! who rescued me from a TERRIBLE STATE OF BLURNESS!
15. Thank God for seeing me through taking care of the CAAL programme...i think the admin work that i did for CAAL is something i could NEVER have done in ten thousand years had it not been for God who guided me. and even then, my own lazy procrastinative self showed through(:
16. Thank God for placing sylvia and alvin in my lives as leaders and mentors of the p5p6 ministry people.they are people God has been using to show me the way to live my life!
17. Thank God for giving me patience as a handle my bunch of rowdy and hyper p5 girls. i highly doubt i'd be able to be so nice to them if God wasn't always reminding me to love and cherish them! i have this one chance to impact their lives and i will make full use of it!
18. Thank God for untip kel diana who have been great mentors to me this year. i thank God everyday for these people who have invested so much time and energy in me and are committed to see me grow!
19. Thank God for jun and debbie, my church buddies! we believe that God is at work in our friendship and this friendship has strengthen and built me(:
20. Thank God for sparkers! For working through them to show me love.
21. Thank God for touching me during church camp, and for showing me how it is as individuals that we build the church up.thank you God for restoring to me that joy of knowing you and pressing on me the need to reach out to my non-believing friends, who i really really do not want to see on the other side of heaven when eternity begins.
22.Thank God for my church camp roommates who are my best buddies in church; debbie charlotte claudia(:
23. Thank God for answering prayer so that wenxin can go to church camp and we wouldn't have to resort to the extreme measures we almost wanted to!
24. Thank God for blessing me with a happy family! for parents who believe strongly in what they are doing and doing what they believe is in my best interests. even though i'm not exactly the most appreciative person of their sometimes strange opinions, i thank God for sheltering me with this canopy of love. yes dad, STRANGE. i know you're reading over my shoulder. if you wanted to be more inconspicuous, you don't have to correct all my grammer and vocab!!!
25. for my 2 sisters for filling the world as i know it with more interesting things than if i were an only child. however annoying and disturbing they may be, the house would be entirely different without their noise, laughter and sulks(: you guys are LoVeD(:
26. Thank God a million times for my godparents(: There are no 2 people more dear to me in the world( apart from my own biological parents) and i am really grateful to God for providing them for me! They have included me and my sisters in almost every one of their family outings and are a great blessing to me, helping my parents take care of us and treating the 3 of us like one of their own! They are a set of role models for me, with their hearts big enough to envelope 3 more daughters(:
27. Thank God for shana and joel my god sibs(:they have really made my world colourful beyond description with their antics and enthusiasm for life!
28. Thank God for 2008... i wanted to have 2008 thanksgiving items, but my mum suggested, or rather HINTED that people wouldn't want to read so many words of mine. Hence, i'm stopping at 28. it's just missing 2 zeroes in the centre!

:::::My goals for 2009:::::
-to be found faithful in little, so that God will give me much to be faithful
-to pass my piano g8 exam with flying colours
-to do better and better in my exams, peaking at A's and not at prelims:P
-to build strong friendships that can weather storms
-to give the p5, now p6 girls more of my time and focus
-to only blog once in 2 weeks MAX! so that i won't be so distracted
-to SAVE money so that next year end dec will not find me as broke as this year end did
2009, here i come!