Monday, January 28, 2008

hello. here's half the photos that are worth looking at. the other half will have to wait.

lynette, batwoman- in-the-making

my wonderful sprint, with the 2 extras behind me

guys jump, take 101: pre-flight

aspiring (but failed) boy band members
don't you think that waye looks like stamford raffles, boss looks like he's been enraptured by something, and jiemin just looks plain spastic:D

Guys jump, take 102: mid-flight
waye shyang's body is extremely loooong, we know:)

jumping, take 1: pre-flight

jumping, take2: pre-flight(again)

jumping take3:in the AIR!

we've mastered the art of leaping and bounding

at bk, before all the hyper activity took place:)

i love 08s17:)
not that they are in my pictures.but still:)

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