Saturday, March 08, 2008

hoho, i just realised, this is my 100th post!
*clap and whistle, scream and cheer*
the blog is a century old, IF and only if you count the age of a blog by the number of posts it has... which most people don't.
haha, okay that was random
i just realised this very fascinating thingy about my blog
the italics, bold and underline got different style! chao cooool! haha. ...........................................DOTS.........................................................


ahhhhhh! i just realised how fast it is. pretty soon, i'll be on the plane, in the words of dot "whisked away" and it would be oh so "marvy". i just realised that i'm taking a BIG risk by doing this:) we'd better think of a more inconspicuos nickname for her:)

so far, unlike my hardworking evil twin, my italian vocab is limited to:

"come stai"//com-mehr-star//how are you?

"Quanto? Quanto costa?"//KWAHN-toh? KWAHN-toh KOHS-tah?/// how much? how much does this cost?

"Spaghetti"//sper-get-tee// pasta

"gelato"//ger-la-toh//an icecream?

"ferrari".... erm. okay i shall stop the lameness.

haha, and i managed to find more phrases!
Excuse me, where are we?//Mi scusi, dove siamo?//Mee SKOO-zee, DOH-vay syam-o?

I'd like to buy a bottle of water, please.//Vorrei comprare una bottiglia di acqua minerale, per favore.//Vor-RAY com-PRA-ray oon-ah boht-TEEL-lya dee AHK-wah mee-nay-RAH-lay, pehr fah-VOH-ray.

Let's go dancing!//Andiamo ballare!//Ahn-DYA-moh bahl-LAH-ray! (or NAH-moh bahl-LAH! in Montecastellese

errrr. dancing?
ohh, this was funny!
Isn't Italian easy?//Eh, no?
HAHA! geddit, geddit?

i DID manage to find the Hotel Antony pictures. it looks so GOOD!!!!!!

"Antony Palace is a new hotel" open in February 2006.Its architecture in steel and crystal and its splendid interior design make this building a magnificent one. Located close to the most important shopping centre in Venice province, it allows easy access both to the lagoon and the main motorways.Five different floors create a distinct Venetian ambience each, and the 140 rooms of the hotel are designed to follow the atmosphere created in each plan.

In the executive floor, a roof garden encircles a wellness centre equipped with sauna, solarium, Turkish bath, gymnasium and a large Jacuzzi.

The hall of the hotel is another example of the accurate design of this property.Its grand chandeliers more than 10 meters high are made in ruby blown Murano glass and cause wonderful light effects on crystals and marbles.The room is enriched with traditional Venetian objects and presents an onyx reception and elegant sofas and furniture. "

thats what the website says:) haha!it sounds super cool and it looks even better!

a picture is worth a thousand words!

the reception hall, okay this was put here cos icouldn't find any other nicer pictures:)

the all important BATH ROOM!

ROOM! looks comfortable enough!

i just remembered. we're not staying there throughout the trip:( i hope the del garda hotel is as nice:)

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