Sunday, July 13, 2008

waiter waiter percolater!

yes yes. it's been a long while and this post is long overdue.
no, that previous post doesn't count because i didn't write it, so technically, i've been missing from the blog-o-sphere for a pretty long time.
many things been happening recently.
lousy CT results are but a small drop in the ocean.
no. actually, lousy CT results IS the ocean.
I've never felt so disappointed in my results before.
I guess i feel like this is it. this is the moment i confront myself with the thought that
"so, eunice, you're not that smart after all. you don't deserve to be where you are, among all the brains and the muggers. you shouldn't be here"

and like every sane person does, i SHOVE the thought out of my head.

and like every christian does, i replace it with prayer.

some people say that our class is too optimistic.
the same could be said for me. i'm way too optimistic
and that can be a bad thing.

i've been thinking quite a bit, and i've decided yes, this is time to reform.
i believe that i'm capable of more, and i will exploit my potential to the fullest
i'm not going to let myself down a second time, and i'm not going to let my parents down again either.

there was a brief moment when i feel super depressed.
for the briefest moment.
i felt like the person who wrote ecclesiastis.
everything is meaningless. a chase after the wind.
all this fuss about results.
what is the point?
and then the hugs and the 'cheer up's
reminded me of friends and family that would be behind me.
God's timely reminder of his presence and power in my life.


i heard this song at peace chapel today.
yeah. the words were meaningful and powerful.
it's self-explanatory.
what i want to do about all the lost souls.

lead them back to the light.

i'm not done blogging yet!
but i guess i have to stop.
my 30minutes is up.

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