Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Why does February only have 28 days??? BOO to him and all the losers in the world who think february stinks. Why do other months have 31 days? that's so unfair.... if feb has to have 28 days then, why can't every other month have 28 days as well??? then that would be fair...
oh well. life ain't fair

2 days of holidays aren't that great.... i mean... it's 2 days! and we have enough homework that can last us until march..............march 2008 that is. why do the let unreasonable people be teachers?

I think i have a lot of questions to ask the world.
like.... Why must the sky be blue and grey? why can't it be purple and green? why must there be clouds in the sky? why must the sun only shine for 12 hours? why must I continue asking these kind of nonsensical questions?

okay that was childish ranting.
went out to PS yesterday... haha so stupid. it was the best time i had all week.
i have nothing left to say....
i think i'm suffering from WRITERS BLOCK. HORROR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i want to watch Letters from IWO JIMA

i watched JUST FOLLOW LAW.
it's super funny... but very light hearted and it has a bland that's sad... cause this is the first show that my impressions of fann wong is actually GOOD. She's a fantastic actress... JACK neo is just a terrible script writer. for all those who haven't watched it... don't cause there is no diff between watching this show in the theater and whatching it at home.
so just wait for the dvd to come out la.

ok that's all

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