Sunday, May 25, 2008

Apparently, i have a fast internet connection today, so i shall post all my random photos. HAHA. i never even knew i had some of them! they're basically me and yunjie and sonia and nana and jeaness. cos we happen to like take A LOT of photos during PW to keep ourselves sane:)

i enjoyed looking at my crazy self, and i'm sure you will too:)

sonia, me and yunjie. From this, you know that sonia's mouth is the biggest.HAHA. this is evidence of what she does ALL the time.

during PAE! YJ, me and shihui. in CA6. the smelly container classroom.

Friday during Manuel's farewell at seoul garden:( i'm quite sad that he's leaving on a jet plane.he's added so much fun and laughter to our lives. in fact, he's more Singaporean than Me! he uses "DUH, LAH, LORH" like they're part of his native language.

i'll miss you! the class won't be the same without you, our beloved lighthouse!

on a second note, look at my hair in this pic! yeah. that's my new short hair. the mrs p---- hairstyle (rolls eyes at clarissa)

hm. this is at foodfair! with our failure KAYA TOAST. which was actually pretty tasty, but did not suit consumer taste and preference:) oops. too much econs:)

and here begins a series of mad photos nana, ness and niece took while sonia and yj were out buying lunch:)

in paris

haha. this is the weird face morphing thing. there were WORSE photos. but nana didn't pass them to me, so, yeah. i still got face!

at the grand canyon

colour pencil!

In the clouds!

08s17 in LT3

SPORTS DAY PHOTOS! yj, me and sonia. that's the number 17, by the way!

adeline,cherry,mengqiao,yj,sonia and me. actually, yj nia and me not supposed to be in the photo, but being the high people that we were, we just cut in! haha

sonia and me:)

08S17 milo class! man. we were so high during sports day. if only people caught us throwing pom poms!

heh:) this is an additional part:) sentosa pictures, which i think are quite nice. basically, they're just of my dad, my sis and me:)

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