Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Escalated, Enchanted, Eulogy.

Humans are so complex. Life is such a puzzle. When we think we know the world, we find that all we really know is but a drop in a vast ocean.

That's why, I'm extremely thankful that my life is in God's hand.
I have this distinct impression that should I be the one in control of my life, it would definitely be in one huge mess.

I'm not emo, even though the emo bug is going around again(:
I have the pesticide against it- sonia yap, who will so totally smack me hard if i ever turn emo.
No, eunice the happy-go-lucky girl is just being PENSIVE.
there is a distinct difference, yeah?

the year is coming to an end, perhaps thats the reason behind the pensivity...
it's like towards the end of the year, there is always the season for thanksgiving, for regrets, for dreams...

or maybe, it's cause i'm going for my surgery on friday, and I'm scared something goes wrong.

or maybe, it's because i'm an extorvert by personality... so, I depend a lot on people to derive my energy. as the personality test thing says-.-

So, here are my 'dues', whatever you want to call it. These are the people who have made 2008 SUCH a fun and memorable year...and these are the people who are an important part of my life.

my family...
my mum, for being my pillar of support, even though the support was not shown in the ways I wanted to see, I know that she always has my best interests at heart, and I need to trust that God will guide her as to how best to raise us kids.
my dad, for being so available to talk to me, and for making me feel important and loved and well cared for. I'll always remember the afternoon jogs, not just for the exercise that we had, but also for the invaluable life lessons dispensed along the way.
my sis, Elaine. for being so sensitive to people around her and the things that are happening, and for not being hesitant about pointing out to me mistakes in my life, and areas that I could have been more tactful in. I've learnt a lot.
my sis, Emily. for being the adorable but annoying child to spruce up our lives. for always being so ready with affection, even on days when I am the hardest to love, you always have the right dose of love to dispense.

my sparkers sistas
Untip, for loving us as your own daughters and having the courage to roll around the floor laughing as though you were twenty years younger. and we know that in your heart and ours, you are.
Diana, for being there as a listening ear, and as the matured older sister who knows whats right to do and isn't afraid to tell it.
Kel, for working your way into our hearts, and for showing us how we are capable of loving and caring for others, putting their needs above our own.
Angela, Audrey, Bel, (sorry I'm lumping you guys together) for being so nice and open, even though i know it's difficult to step out of your comfort zones, you guys make me feel welcomed(:
Wenx, for being the best call-on-the-phone person I can ever find. for the long sporadic talks we have over the phone, even though it's not really very often(:
Debbie, for being comfortable enough to be yourself and to be that quiet calm partner of mine who is rational during the times I'm not.
Jun, for welcoming my 'intrusion' into your life(: for opening up to me and allowing me to be your friend, when it could have been so easy to retreat into a corner.
Jeanette and Vic, for being so hardworking and yet still coming for SS lessons, and still managing to sneak in periods of studying(:

for my FB mates
Clarissa, for taking 852 with me, even though you don't actually have to wait. for loving Mcfly and being so totally uninhabited in your 'singing'. If i may call it that...
Eunice2, my beloved evil twin, for being so honest with me all the time, for cheering me up when i am down, and for letting me cheer you up when you are down. for always giving a hug, whenever i need one.
Michael. for letting us call you 'MIKEL' until we forgot what your real name was. for being the official 'downloader' of our group(:for being so smart even though you don't really study...
Allicia, for being so open with me, sharing with me your thoughts and feelings, even though I'm rushing around most of the time and don't have time to hear you out, you still have time for me.
ChienSiang, for trying not to emo most of the time when FB goes out(:
HaoCheng, for LEAVING us and going to america.get on the next plane back man!
Cheryl, for singing all those Korean, or was it jap songs that i totally don't understand, and then for totally understanding when i stare blankly.
Sonia, for being such a brilliant friend, not only in FB, but also in S17. for listening to all my problems and for guessing whatever I want to say even before I say it. For singing all our sentences and for completing the trio that makes me love coming to school.
Jocelyn, for encouraging me with your very presence! your aura just totally calms me down(: you've been a great support, and your faithfulness is simply wonderful, for lack of a better word.
Dian Feng, for kidding around, for always having something funny to say, even if you don't realise how funny it is. and for not realising that whenever you say that something is funny, it never really is. oh, and for being more of a girl than most girls(:
Eugene, for always reminding me how serious this world actually is, and that a food shortage that could be on the horizon is going to severely affect all of us. and for being the customary mugger.

for 08S17
ERM. i just realised that my class has a lot of people. TOO MANY. I'll write some, and then i'll fill in the rest at a later time(:
yunjie, for being the one who understands my issues, for always teasing me, but knowing just when to back off. for the looks we give each other, before we burst into laughter, knowing exactly what the other person is thinking about.for being the final puzzle piece in the trio that always makes my day a happy one.
Jeaness, for not knowing that you can get a little louder than normal people until rehearsing for OP, for playing 'barber' so many times it's stuck in my head(:
Nana, for being the lovable bundle of energy you are, and yet, unusually calm enough to grouse with me about certain members of our teaching staff.
Suenli, for being the mascot of NJ117 and not complaining, and still being so nice to everyone, even those you don't really like. and for showing us that it is possible to like everyone(:
Jadeng, for being my GG, the girls with the good genes, and taking everything that life throws at you in your stride. atta girl!
Ben, my obnoxious brother, for being there to laugh at me and with me. and for being the obnoxious brother you are.

heh. this woman is a bit tired. shall carry on with our class another time...

the jieminites
Yichan, for being the bestest friend i could ask for even through what, 10 years of friendship? for understanding when i go MIA for long random periods. and then calling to wake you up from your slumber during sporadic moments of the year.for being all these, and more.
Nette, for being the superb organiser, the one with all the ideas, and the energy to put them into action(: thanks to you, i'm still in contact with the rest(:
Jiemin, for letting me call you this even though the rest of the world is calling you jimmy. sorry, can't get used to it! hahah. and for being the other teetotaller in our group of drunks(:
WayeShyang, for being always online, and always available for a nice chat.
Joel, for being so nice to us, even though I don't really know you very well. for insisting on watching the final minutes of the vball match even though i really had to get home, and then running across the bridge with me cos it was late(:

other random friends
erm. i'll finish this post another day. cos my mum wants me to sleep.

doujiang, for being the best guy friend, a girl could ever ask for. not too gossipy, not too macho-ist. just nice.and for taking 852 with me, the long treacherous journey to and from school(:

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