Sunday, November 16, 2008

In moderate portions

Like i even know what i'm doing here.
you know how it's like. it's the holidays! you want to relax.
but at the back of your mind lingers the thought that, MAN! i have homeworl to do!

HOMEWORK. i hate that word. I hate it, hate it, hate it!

haha(: the typical student in me is screaming.
no no, but eunice is not typical. she thrives on being different.
and hence, she's going to start her homework.


heh. my chinese computer thing is working! haha. let me attempt to conversate in chinese(:


haha. okay, no head no tail. I can't really tell what that was al about(:
i think i have a future as a translator! haha

senior's farewell is coming soon. oh, the STRESS of it all!
i can hear the clock ticking and mocking me. it's like telling me:" you have no time, you have no time!"

that said, this year has been a most delightful year, thanks to al my friends and classmates.
seriously, i think everyone in stone17 knows that if not for the class, NJ would be the most dull and boring place on earth.
well, the fact is, it IS dull and boring,
but at least, we have each other to gripe and complain about it!
haha. and we're not the class that rushes off to mugg. and for that, i'm glad.

eunice is thinking. she is thinking that the world would be a better place if everyone would just be less selfish. including herself. i guess we can't help but be selfish. but if only we could try to put others ahead, just considering others by a bit, it would really make the world a friendlier place.

If only, we could all smile at the stranger that we walk past, instead of living in our own private cocoon, the world would smell even sweeter(:

thats a whole lot of Ifs. but the planet is like on this road to disaster, cos we haven't been doing these things. and i'm afraid that even if we were to start today, it might be a bit too late to save the world we call our own.

its like what i wrote for the essay MK asked us to write: the world in 50 years time.

it's like, would there still be a world in 50 years time? if so, what kind of horrid place would it be?
i'm not being pessimistic, i guess when we come face to face with reality, we can choose 2 paths to take. either we be falsely optimistic and keep on believing that everything will turn out just fine, or we accept God's punishment for a sinful and disaster-bound world.

that said, I'm not giving up hope! I'm merely stating what i believe to be true. and if i know all these, so what? am i going to give up on life? hello, no way! I believe we should live to the fullest. to the best. to impact this world, even if we know that the destiny is not going to change, we can at least try to make things a bit better. we can at least enjoy the earth that God has given us, until it's time for him to take it back. than we know that his plan hasbeen fufilled. and if his plan is fufilled, than we have no doubt that it must be a good one!

the thing is, do we trust him that he knows whats best?

can't wait for class BBQ! bong bong! faster plan(:

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